Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) was pleased to once again host a roundtable event with the Central Coast’s key decision makers across local, state and federal government and business agencies.
Commencing in early 2021, the roundtable events enhance collaboration between our regional leaders from all levels of government, both sides of politics and major local industries. Their purpose is to improve long-term economic development outcomes for the Central Coast.
RDACC Chair, Lawrie McKinna, says the roundtable events get our key decision makers in a room together to help take action on the Coast’s biggest issues.
“The roundtable discussions get our local leaders in a room together to collaborate on a cohesive agenda of priorities and challenges for the Central Coast,” says Mr McKinna.
“This level of collaboration is so important to maintain a united focus, so we can work together to ensure the delivery of projects and services every person in our region rightly deserves.
“Together, we’re building a strong regional identity and a community that we can all be proud of.”
RDACC CEO and Director Regional Development, John Mouland, says these important roundtable events form an integral part of RDACC’s role in acting as an essential conduit between all levels of government and industry.
“This roundtable event was a significant step forward in strengthening the understanding that we all have about singing with one voice to deliver shared outcomes for our community,” says Mr Mouland.
“RDACC works as the conduit to bring all of our key regional players together to achieve better outcomes for the Coast. There is a lot of good work currently being done and this event was an opportunity to align our key priorities and cement the fact that we are all working toward a common goal.”
To continue the momentum of recent discussions and further enhance current collaborative efforts, the next regional roundtable is scheduled for September 2023.